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BCA Training: Stickies – Microcurrent devices are great for relieving pain. We are using an FDA cleared device in this video to find areas we refer to as ‘stickies’. These areas generally reveal locations of inflamed tissue. To find out more please contact Us.
BCA Training: Painting and Camping Out – “Painting & Camping Out” is the most common technique we use for treating a wide variety of issues. This video demonstrates how easy it is to successfully use your device to reduce or eliminate pain as well as help support restoration of weak or injured area. For more detailed or specific inquiries contact Us directly.
BCA Training: Grid Technique – Whether the pain is moderate or excruciating, using The Grid Technique with your micro-current device will make a difference! This video explains what the “Grid” is, why it is effective, and how to use it for pain relief. For more detailed or specific inquiries contact Us directly.
BCA Training: Little Wings – Little Wings is a technique used to help a person transition out of stress into a relaxed mode. This protocol helps release endorphins, leaving you calm and relaxed. It can also help the neck vertebra return to their proper alignment. This technique should be limited to once a day. Avoid use on people with fused neck vertebra or who have had a broken neck. For more detailed or specific inquiries contact Us directly.
BCA Training: Dosing with RSI – Using the Avazzia Micro-current RSI device, this video will demonstrate a dosing procedure. Dosing is an important step in relieving pain, reducing inflammation and supports tissue regeneration. For more detailed or specific inquiries contact Us directly.
BCA Training: Little Wings Protocol Vagus Nerve Stimulation – The Protocols in this video not only reduce stress, but leave you feeling great! This is the most popular Protocol in micro-current. If you knew no other protocol but this, if you used no other protocol than this, it will change your life. For more specific details or questions contact Us directly.
BCA Training: Treating Scars – Here Dr. Traver Sopoci, DC will show you a very key protocol of Treating Scars. This is a protocol can make a huge impact in your health. For more specific details or questions contact Us directly.